неділя, 4 грудня 2016 р.

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Lingualeo - follow this link.

Podcast? What is this?

Here is a nice looking man, who will explain to you what is a podcast.
And, now I have one more handsome man, who will show you how to record a podcast.

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With more than 100 episodes, start accelerating your English fluency with these casual, but very informative conversations between native English teachers and speakers.
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Just believe

Objectives of ESP Modules

In view of the needs of students, ESP modules in the SALC should be designed to provide students with opportunities and resources to do one or more of the following (Figure 1):
  1. To pursue their interest in business content and business communication skills in English
  2. To improve their performances in the classroom
  3. To prepare themselves for their business internships and careers

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Modules in the Self-Access Learning Center (SALC) for Success in the Global Workplace

Introduction – Preparing Students for the Global Workforce
University students must prepare themselves to be successful members of the global workforce, and this paper introduces one way for a self-access center to support such preparation by students outside of the formal classroom environment. In this paper, it is proposed that the Self-Access Learning Center (SALC) at Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) provide ESP (English for specific purposes) modules intended to prepare students for their future careers. Within these self-study modules, the following should be recognized and incorporated:
  1. The principles of ESP
  2. Elements of outcome-based education
  3. The relationship between leadership, learning, and teaching                                                                                     
 SALC Modules  
  In addition to the other educational opportunities available on campus for career preparation, KUIS students have the option to use the SALC at the time and in the way that they desire. In addition, students can elect to take a self-study module. The aim of these modules is to promote learner autonomy and enhance the learning experiences of KUIS students. Students taking modules are assigned to a learning advisor who helps them to develop skills such as goal setting and encourages them to reflect on the learning process 

Need for English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
Undergraduate students who are preparing for careers in the global economy by taking courses in English that focus on business communication and business content are in need of English for specific purposes (ESP). Gatehouse (2001) cites Dudley-Evans (1997) in stating that “ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learner.” Although ESP has often been divided into English for academic purposes (EAP) and English for occupational purposes (EOP), Knight, Lomperis, van Naerssen & Westerfield (2010, p.7) further clarify ESP when they divide language learners who need ESP into two categories:
1.      Language learners who are in the process of developing expertise in their fields need English communication skills as tools in their training.
2.      Language learners who are already experts in their fields need English communication skills as tools in their work.

10 Essential Hints for Using ICT in the English Classroom

10 tips
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